Some low tech ideas from an OT view to help: Fine motor skills, attention & organization, and visual perceptual skills
Some low tech ideas to help with attention and organization skills: back to top
If you see : | Try this: |
Low tech ideas to help increase visual percpetual skills: back to top
If you see : Try this: poor visual scanning
- grade activities from near point skills, to further - have fill in the blank notes, them provide a set to copy on desk , then later have student copy from board
- provide visual anchors on desk, paper: ex- colered line on desk, dark line on paper, or put work on colored paper so there is a colored edge all around . purpose is to give a visual cue that you've 'gone too far'
- writing an angle/binder may help increase visual field
- try high contrast settings on word processor to decrease harshness of screen
- try colored keys caps, large letters to increase familiarity
- higher tech options as a later resort include modifying keyboards to ABC order
- increase skills with the "I Spy" game
- try an erasable highlighter ( available in the whiteout section of Staples) to highlight in school owned textbooks
Poor visual closure
- use different colors to see visual differences in strokes
- any multisensory method to reinforce awareness of closure- tracing, sky writing, rhymes, highlighting
poor figure ground
- have minimal distractions on board and desk
- to practice & increase skills, ask student to retrieve objects for you ex:" get me the scissors on the top shelf by the games " and gradually get less specific with directions
- see also high contrast settiings for computers, or black on white key caps
- try an erasable highlighter ( available in the whiteout section of Staples) to highlight in school owned textbooks
poor copying skills
- check seating position and location first, inquire on vision status ( many kids have glasses but don't wear them)
- remember to take into consideration if students are unable to read cursive
- provide copy of notes to highlight as given, require that something has to be written or students can loose interest
- grade activities from near point skills, to further - have fill in the blank notes, them provide a set to copy on desk , then later have student copy from board
- try writing on softer surface (extra paper, notebook) or on an angle