General Information:
- UConn Health Center Clinical Services Ergonomic Center Staff and Services new!
- RESNA - Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North Americanew!
- PATTS - Assistive Technology Linksnew!
- Home page of the Foundation for AssiStive Technologynew!
- Free and discount audio booksnew!
- Assistive Technology and Disability Links
- Chapter VII alternative sources of adaptive tech funding & tax incentives new!
- Abilityhub computer assistive technology for disability and disabilitiesnew!
- Computers for Handicapped Independence Programsnew!
- About Project INTERSECT
- Making Computers Accessible** take advantage of built in acessibility features of your current computer. Don't know what Sticky Keys are? or how to make auditory or visual changes? : check out the guides by microsoft! Step by Step Guides
- ABLEDATA: This is an extensive database of information on assistive technology devices available
- also:the best site I found for basic resources: phone numbers, catalog info divided up by ADLs, sensory, communication, and edcational software: couldn't have done such a task myself, catalog resources
- Ablenet, Inc. Homepage
- Technology reviews, conferences, and tons of useful links at Closing the Gap
- Assistive Techlogy for Children
- The Assistive Technology Journal, Volume 23 (August 2000)
- Center for Applied Special Technology-
- NEAT Exchange- swap of AT materials
- Assistive technology links.NEW
- 21st Century Educational and training software.NEW
For Visual Impaiment Resources, Please see OT Resources
- Screen Magnifier Program: The Dragnifier; free download ($15 if you keep it), easy to use, adjustable, and doesn't get in the way
- pVoice - enabling disabled people to speak- free download, may have bugs
- Galt Download Zone,hottest shareware, themes, wallpaper, screen saver downloads, reviews
- PC Freeware sorted by age
- used laptop resource
- Free and cheap software downloads: including reading software, on-line answering machines, and more A-T Center-(great site, undergoing a few technical difficulties right now
- Make on-line computer to phone long distance calls for free,
- Info and demos of screen magnifiers and speech options here
- Free software downloads, penpals and much more assistive tech links for all abilities go!
- Innovation Management Group, Inc. - Onscreen Keyboard Utilities NEW
- Free online typing program, age adjustable with option to buy ad free version
- on line typing program with games, option to buy
- Typing Master- free online download of typing practice
- Online educational & fun computer games for kids, try FunBrain
- PC Freeware sorted by age from (extensive)
- try Key Caps for Keyboards- to assist in visual discrimination of keys
- LD OnLine Assistive Technology Resources - Keyboarding Resources.NEW
- The best collection of kids typing links, some demos, some to buy or download free
- Clasys Ltd. - EliteTyping 2001 - AWARDS WINNING touch typing tutor...NEW
Graphic Organizer trials/downloads
Click here Free demo of a graphic organizer program to increase organization of writing skills Inspiration check out the new version of KidSpiration available now!
or less fancy version to download directly at SmartDraw Suggestions here on how to get students involved in lessons by using organizers for note taking Text to Speech/writing assistance programs
- Free internet text to speech program ReadPlease
- Free download: text to speech program HelpRead - will read any text when copied and pasted to its clipboard
From the very informative site site of
- Word processor compatible text to speech, word prediction, and spoken spell check for info on purchase and free trial try:*(highly recommended from me for it's versatility)
- Write-OutLoud: reads text simultaneously regardless of full stops. (Recommended -- Write:Outloud seems to give the easiest and quickest performance for this purpose.) New Version! Talking word processing program. Speaks words, letters or sentences as student types, or read aloud when done typing. Franklin talking spell checker and dictionary. Can now import graphics to support student writing.
- TextEase: speaks written text(Will only work within it's own word processing program)
- Kurzweil 3000: Similar to Read & Write, but Kurzweil 3000 works on its own. It has the advantage of L&H RealSpeak, which gives the most realistic synthesised speech yet
- Keystone: Similar to Read & Write
- For info on speech to text programs see Dragon Systems, Inc
- Handheld Scanner: the size of the a highlighter, able to scan words to a small screen then download to your pc. Great for taking notes on the go; for reviews, information etc, try
- Mayer-Johnson, Inc. Message Board
- Augmentative Communication Systems & Assistive Technology - ZYGO Industries, Inc.
- Alpha Smart site, makers of light weight word processors
- Educational source of software, and useful VTech "laptops" and more
- Edmark: maker of various assistive tech devices. Site includes free shareware games for elementary basic skills.
- Intellitools -makers of Intellikeys adpated keyboards
Children's software review sites:
On line texts site:
Download a text to speech program, (see above) click on these sites , and you have a virtual library of audio books. SOME REQUIRE DOWNLOADING, OTHERS ARE DIRECT**